Fun Palace with A Suburban Castle

supervised by Sophie Nash, John Hajko

are opposite states of life and that non-stop work is unfortunate. This not only means that both are pushed to the extremes of attitudes but also, to some extent, prevents creativity and nature from shaping new experiences and possible ways of exploring lifelong learning. This project originates from the discussion of Labour and leisure and their central idea, which is always putting the "people" as the starting point. It juxtaposes the duality of vision and reality brought by the two and constructs a kind of theatre circular dynamic architecture. Among them, the whole project site is regarded as a self-exploring cultural collage place. The project sets the uncertainty to the operating principle; it is about the interwoven events, dynamic interaction space, and the random solution generated by the collision within the internal social scope. Generally speaking, it is the reality that survives after being affirmed.


Social Housing (coming soon)


Forming Accessibility